Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hidden Genius that master-minded repairing ECM's on the bench Plug & Play

~Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.~
Albert Einstein

It is too often that we as human beings living in a world full of diversity, experience the sense of disillusion. Wether you are in a relationship (personal or business,) or simply as consequence of a decision you made in day to day life, we can all agree that disillusion is a big part of our lives.  I for example was very disillusioned when my Jeep Cherokee just wouldn't start in the middle of a parking lot with the trunk full of groceries....

years later i got a job working at a company that actually was repairing & exchanging the very thing I needed that day!! 
It didn't take much time for me to figure out that this multi-million dollar corporation was not only taking full & complete advantage of their lead technician & master-mind behind the revolution of Plug & Play (that repairing ECM's from the bench was,) but the owner had managed to manipulate every aspect of his personal life in order to keep him isolated, as he was a very special man whom i fear was too often mis-understood. Aside from the total chaos that surrounds the "work ethic" of the company, I was flabbergasted at how poor the customer service skills were & how unorganized they ran the business but at the same time impressed with the amount of income that was streaming in on a daily basis. My position began in sales, where i learned that the manager aside from random moments of brief half true work-related convo, was crazy & liable to snap at any given moment rampaging.One time he even went as far as to bang on my desk screaming erratically. It was the most casual, & normal incident to all around, as come to find out, this is how it is on a daily basis! Half of the staff is under the influence of some sort of drug or narcotic & or are extreme characters varying from plastic surgery addicts to down-right negative people. I tried to keep a positive disposition & to lighten up the work environment although it was unprofessional, I was intrigued with how the repairs were being done & was eager to learn myself, I wanted to be a part of what I thought was a true revolution taking place right before my eyes! 
I befriended the lead tech Scotty West, and soon we became great friends.  I began asking questions & was starting to learn things I never imagined my minds eye could grasp. Before I knew it not only was i learning new things I gained the trust of a true friend and it couldn't have been at a better time. After years of dedication & hard-work with no recognition, nor nearly close to the compensation such a merit deserved, Scotty was finally freed of the prison working at Auto Comp had become.  His only hope ( as the owner ensured he was stripped of all the things he built with his own bare hands; tools which enabled him to repair ECM's from a work bench) was the fact that he was not locked in any agreements that kept him from doing it all over again. I stood behind his decision to branch off & start his own business ALONE after learning that his girlfriend of 15 years was in fact an employee of Auto Comp. The same company he made wealthy sacrificing his every moment to make possible, hired only to "keep him happy." 
I reckon no-one stopped to imagine that perhaps despite his big heart, Scotty would not forgive such a cruel & evil disillusion, & that nothing would ever change that....
Now, independantly working as  Scotty West has started a new chapter in his life where he will be recognized & compensated for his extra-ordinary ability to reverse engineer & repair used car modules, & much more! He is the master-mind behind Plug & Play after discovering a way to repair engine modules outside of the vehicle on the bench! He is currently exploring other modules and preparing to do more then ever before!! His new found sense of peace is a catalyst to his up & coming success!! It makes me sooo happy to see a man with such talent finally free to explore & enjoy doing something that comes natural to him without the burden of malice & in an environment where he can share his knowledge with the whole world!!
Luvies really does make all the difference in this thing we call life!